Onramp Web Hosted SDK and KYC

User Flow

The user needs to follow a series of steps on the client platform to purchase crypto as given below:

Onramp Hosted SDK

Saber’s Hostel SDK can be integrated by following the below mentioned steps. The integration is done in two steps:

  • You can obtain the Sandbox and Production Credentials from Mudrex Team
  • In Sandbox Testing:
    • real money testing is not allowed
    • dummy account is not present, testing should be done by creating a real account

The steps to integrate are SDK are highlighted below:

The overall integration includes two major areas:

  1. User Registration: Creation of user on Mudrex’s system and generate a UUID for the user for payment processing
  1. Payment Initiation: Generation of URL for payment where the user needs to be redirected for Onramp

User Registration

The user registration part contains the following steps:

Steps to Register a User

To be able to make payments a user has to be first registered with Mudrex. To register a user on Mudrex you need to follow the steps:

  1. Generate a secret key for user registration using the following script
var timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
var sigString = clientId + timeInSeconds;
var secret = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(sigString, clientSecrect).toString().toUpperCase();
The clientId and clientSecrect will be shared by the Mudrex team
  1. Use this API endpoint to register a user
Base URL (Staging): https://sandbox.mudrex.com

Base URL (Production): https://mudrex.com

Sandbox IP:

X-TimestampTimestamp used to generate the secretstring
X-Client-IdClient ID provided by Mudrexstring
X-Secret-KeyThe secret key generated in the first stepstring
X-Request-IdFor client reference (can be anything)string
The User UUID is generated as a response to the request. The client can also furnish a User UUID and other user data if present already
Sample Request and Response
curl --location 'https://mudrex.com/api/v1/user/client_user' \
--header 'X-Timestamp: {{timestamp}}' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: •••••••' \
--header 'X-Secret-Key: •••••••' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: 123456789876' \
--data-raw '{
    "user_uuid": "77c4562e-ce47-4054-9d4e-4df69ca61ac2",
    "client_user_id": "Abhishek-TestAcc",
    "email": "kk@mail1.com",
data-raw parameters are optional
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "client_user_id": "",
        "user_id": "d57626e7-d6f3-44e0-bc82-12c5f42843af"

Payment Initiation

Post user registration, URL needs to be generated for payment where the user will be redirected

KYC Sharing

If the user has already completed KYC with the client, the existing KYC can be shared with Mudrex. The steps can be found here under KYC Sharing tab.
Buy Quote API
X-TimestampTimestamp used to generate the secretstring
X-Client-IdClient ID provided by Mudrexstring
X-Secret-KeyThe secret key generated in the first stepstring
X-Request-IdFor client reference
X-User-IdUUID of the userstring
from_currencyFiat currency (INR for Indian Rupees)
to_currencyCrypto currency (USDT)
networkNetwork for transaction
to_amountCrypto Amount (USDT)
from_amountFiat Amount (INR)

Sample Request:

curl --location 'https://mudrex.com/api/v2/wallet/s/quote?from_currency=INR&to_currency=USDT&network=BSC&to_amount=55.38' \
--header 'X-Timestamp: {{timestamp}}' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: •••••••' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: 3456' \
--header 'X-User-Id: •••••••' \
--header 'X-Secret-Key: •••••••'

Sample Response:

"success": true,
"data": {
"from_currency": "INR",
"to_currency": "USDT",
"from_amount": 5036.81,
"pre_fee_to_amount": 55.49,
"to_amount": 55.38,
"base_price": 90.77,
"final_price": 90.95,
"total_fee": 0.11,
"fee_currency": "USDT",
"fee_breakup": {
"platform_fee": 0.111,
"network_fee": 0,
"client_fee": 0,
"discount": 0,
"tax_on_fee": 0,
"tds": 0

Steps to Initiate Payment

To generate a payment URL for the user where he must be redirected, follow these steps:

  1. Generate a secret key for payment using the following script. Please note that this script is slightly different from the one used at the time of user registration
var timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
var sigString = clientId + timeInSeconds + "sdk" + user_id;
var secret = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(sigString, clientSecrect).toString().toUpperCase();
  1. Pass the following parameters as URL params to the base payment URL
Base URL (Sandbox): https://app.sandbox.saber.money/onramp

Base URL (Production):https://app.saber.money/onramp

ParametersDescriptionSample Value
client_idClient ID provided by Mudrexd951b040-ecb0-432b-ae3c-2ae7d2d19987
user_idA UUIDv4 unique identifier for the user-generated by the client during user registrationd951b040-ecb0-432b-ae3c-2ae7d2d19987
timestampThe timestamp of the payment request (used at the time of creating the secret)1687276964
secretThe secret generated by the client in previous step to authenticate the requestCE1B5BD087BA408C2AFF01B00595007858DF496D3468CE3307CB1A7966DDC265

Note: The generated payment URL expires after 10 minutes

Sample URL
Payment URL Customization

If you wish to customize the integration with Mudrex Onramp, you can add query parameters to the URL. This allows you to set specific options according to your requirements. Check sample URL for example.

ParametersDescriptionSample Value
crypto_symbolThis is the unique identifier of the cryptocurrency. Currently, we support USDTUSDT
networkThis is the network on which you want to withdraw the cryptocurrency. Currently supported networks include:

wallet_addressThis is the on-chain wallet address to which the cryptocurrency will be withdrawn.0x5ccff9cf986079c6d6f2187c3dc4bd9ba9834a9k
crypto_amountThis is the amount denoted in the native coin/token. Please note that either crypto_amount or fiat_amount can be passed, and if both are provided, fiat_amount takes precedence.100
fiat_amountThis is the amount denoted in fiat currency (currently only INR is supported).10000
payment_methodThe type of method the user would choose to pay with.
Supported payment methods:
- bank_transfer
- upi_transfer
transaction_idA UUID16 identifier passed by the client (optional). The client will receive webhooks with same transaction_id
fiat_currencyThis is the fiat currency the user wants to pay (currently only INR is supported).INR
redirect_urlThis is the URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful transaction. This parameter is applicable only in hosted mode.

The following webhooks can be received by the client for obtaining status of the order as given below:

StatusDescriptionSample Value
‘CREATED’Triggered when the user confirms to have made the payment (click on ‘I have transferred’ CTA){'failure_code': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'status': 'CREATED', 'id': '146b37f1-26b5-411d-ae49-a4b6d3aa17f3', 'network': 'BSC', 'fiat_amount': '850.00000000', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xe7cdF59Db5202f970607E19dd9921A711D377Afc', 'tag': None, 'failure_desc': None, 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_amount': '10.00000000', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'created_at': 1702540033000, 'source_id': '37f7cfcb-4890-471d-9f37-aa762db3eba9', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '7970d2d2-401b-4322-9672-c03f051dedc0'}
'ONRAMP_INITIATED'Triggered immediately once the payment reconciliation process is triggered.{'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'e4606ddb-8e63-4822-8be9-4698bb14174c', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x466fA637cEB624F9d14fC470c509a818410768FD', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_INITIATED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '11030590-8f27-4325-8db6-c3bb38ba4bf3'}
'ONRAMP_COMPLETED'Triggered when the user’s payment is successfully reconciled.{'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'e4606ddb-8e63-4822-8be9-4698bb14174c', 'bank_transaction_id': '325795572402', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x466fA637cEB624F9d14fC470c509a818410768FD', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_COMPLETED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '11030590-8f27-4325-8db6-c3bb38ba4bf3'}
'COMPLETED'Triggered when the crypto withdrawal to client’s specified wallet address in completed{'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'e4606ddb-8e63-4822-8be9-4698bb14174c', 'bank_transaction_id': '325795572402', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x466fA637cEB624F9d14fC470c509a818410768FD', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'COMPLETED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '11030590-8f27-4325-8db6-c3bb38ba4bf3', ‘txn_hash’: ‘0x8bc46443e1bca3f32163d193466f216d2cc774093b8280483529b8c39957e53b’}
'FAILED'Triggered when user’s payment could not be found{'failure_code': 'ONRAMP_FAILED', 'created_at': 1694631289000, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'fiat_amount': '300.00000000', 'tag': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'source_id': None, 'failure_desc': 'Payment not received from the user', 'status': 'FAILED', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x9e706548D4443E0EdEa9a1B47AF251Ec0FF09B36', 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_amount': '3.53000000', 'id': '1b824d4e-f5e5-4313-aa27-9ed67ed3d937', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '4924280a-c703-47f2-a82d-78567b57cedc'}
'ONRAMP_INCONSISTENT'Triggered when a payment with different amount is found for the user.{'crypto_amount': '0.57647100', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'created_at': 1702202538000, 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x7ba0FF36f3bB47A0Bffd79D322CC71cFC5ddec92', 'fiat_amount': '49.00000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_INCONSISTENT', 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'failure_code': None, 'failure_desc': None, 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'tag': None, 'bank_transaction_id': '334463178476', 'source_id': None, 'network': 'MATIC', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'id': 'adedaad8-ed8d-4f9d-9241-3e0eef33f704', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '603da946-508a-412d-961a-393cbc65714b'}
'REFUND_COMPLETED'Triggered when user’s deposited amount is refunded.{'bank_transaction_id': '334463178476', 'status': 'REFUND_COMPLETED', 'created_at': 1702202538000, 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_amount': '0.57647100', 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0x7ba0FF36f3bB47A0Bffd79D322CC71cFC5ddec92', 'source_id': None, 'id': 'adedaad8-ed8d-4f9d-9241-3e0eef33f704', 'fiat_amount': '49.00000000', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'tag': None, 'failure_code': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': '603da946-508a-412d-961a-393cbc65714b'}
The webhooks needs to be manually added by the client using their API endpoints
SDK Events

The client can received by the client from the SDK to get status of user actions as given below:

EventDescriptionSample Value
KYC_STATUSTriggered when user completes their KYC{
  event: "KYC_STATUS",
  level: "INFO",
  params: { status: "COMPLETED" }
ORDER_CREATEDTriggered when an order is created{
  event: "ORDER_CREATED",
  level: "INFO",
  params: { order_id : "order_id" }
ORDER_UPDATEDTriggered when an order is updated, generally when a user updates their UTR manually.{
  event: "ORDER_UPDATED",
  level: "INFO",
  params: { order_id : "order_id" }
UPI_INTENTTriggered when user attempts to pay via upi intent. url in payment can be used to trigger the intent url in cases where it doesn’t automatically get triggered.

  event: "UPI_INTENT",
  level: "INFO",
  params: { url : "intent_url" }
BACKWhen user clicks back button in saber{
  event: "BACK",
  level: "INFO",
SUCCESSCalled when transaction is completed{
  event: "SUCCESS",
  level: "INFO",
  params: {
    crypto_amount: cryptoAmount,
    transaction_id: transactionID,
    status: status,
DIGILOCKER_URLCalled when digilocker url is generated.
Can be used to navigate to the digilocker
  event: "DIGILOCKER_URL",
  level: "INFO",
  params: {
    url: "https://url.to.digilocker",
KYC Sharing

If the user has already completed KYC on client’s platform, the same data can be shared without the need for re-KYC. The steps are as follows:

The existing KYC data of user can be shared with Mudrex using this API Endpoint

X-TimestampTimestamp used to generate the secretstring
X-Client-IdClient ID provided by Mudrexstring
X-Secret-KeyThe secret key generated in the first stepstring
X-Request-IdFor client reference
X-User-IdUUID of the userstring
In the above endpoint,
  1. legal_name, poi (PAN number), poa (Aadhar number) is required (the rest are optional)
  1. dob should be in dd-mm-yyyy format
  1. gender must be either M or F
curl --location 'https://mudrex.com/api/v1/user/client_user/kyc' \
--header 'X-Timestamp: 1709120158' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 18e963ea-39fd-4a1b-b1e6-decbfe791d31' \
--header 'X-Secret-Key: <key>' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: 123456789876' \
--header 'X-User-Id: cbbb71b2-0dea-40d1-a7df-3bcdd62d1caa' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "legal_name":"KARTIKEY AGARWAL", 
   "address":"my address is a addreess" 

As a second step, the documents corresponding to the data shared have to be shared through a document sharing API

X-TimestampTimestamp used to generate the secretstring
X-Client-IdClient ID provided by Mudrexstring
X-Secret-KeyThe secret key generated in the first stepstring
X-Request-IdFor client reference
X-User-IdUUID of the userstring
curl --location 'https://mudrex.com/api/v1/user/client_user/kyc' \
--header 'X-Timestamp: 1709120158' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 18e963ea-39fd-4a1b-b1e6-decbfe791d31' \
--header 'X-Secret-Key: <key>' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: 123456789876' \
--header 'X-User-Id: cbbb71b2-0dea-40d1-a7df-3bcdd62d1caa' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "legal_name":"KARTIKEY AGARWAL", 
   "address":"my address is a addreess" 
In the above endpoint:
  1. Conditions: either the aadhaar or passport is mandatory
  1. Pan, aadhaar_face_image, live_image are optional
  1. Supported file formats ".pdf", ".jpg", ".png", ".xml", ".zip"
  1. Supported filesize < 2MB
Link to our Postman API collection can also be found here: Postman